

The volunteers who are the most passionate are the ones that have the most success.

People who care for and put others first is needed if we are going to survive as a society.

The kinds of problems we deal with on a daily basis are random and many so it takes some creative problem-solving to make it all work together. 


A world where anyone can cultivate, manufacture, distribute, possess, transport, and consume an unlimited amount of magic mushrooms or psilocybin-containing products without fear of any criminal charges. Free to choose what to do with their own bodies without judgment or persecution.


Our mission is to get 546,651 valid signatures submitted by January 10, 2024, to get the California Psilocybin Initiative 2024 on the ballot. One out of three will come back invalid so our real target number is 890,000.


Campaign Director / LA County Director
Ryan Munevar
ryan@decrimca.org – 949.702.1637 – LinkedIn 

Ryan Munevar has a unique history in drug policy reform.  In Detroit, Michigan, Ryan was recruited while filming a documentary on the world of cannabis policy reform and worked in some of the toughest counties in the state, City of Detroit in Wayne County being at the top of the list .  

Later he moved back to California to focus on film production but was quickly pulled back into the world of drug reform in.  Ryan started Monterey County NORML (National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws), based in Salinas and opened up several other cities and counties to cannabis, and started guiding people through the permitting process. 

Finally, he took all the money he was making in the cannabis industry and donated all of it to setting up Decriminalize California with the goal of decriminalizing psychedelics while avoiding the consequences and pitfalls that came about with the legalization of cannabis.